If your nasal swab is positive, this means that you have Covid-19 virus present and are considered infectious. You should quarantine regardless of whether you are experiencing symptoms and even if you have positive antibody results. Click Here For CDC Guidance On Quarantine and Isolation

If your nasal swab is negative, you do not currently have active covid-19 virus, please review antibody test results section below.


IgG Antibodies

If antibodies to IgG are positive, you most likely had a past infection with Covid-19. Some people with past infections may not have experienced any symptoms. It is unclear at this time if having antibodies means that you are protected from another infection, nor is it an indicator that you cannot transmit infection to others. However, a negative nasal swab makes that less likely at this time. In any case, please continue to practice safe social distancing precautions as per current state guidelines.

If antibodies to IgG are negative, this most likely means that you have not been infected with Covid-19 and are potentially susceptible to getting the infection. If you recently experienced symptoms consistent with Covid-19, it is possible that your body has not yet produced IgG antibodies as it takes several weeks to develop antibodies (as explained in detail in the pre-testing informational handout). Therefore, repeat testing at a later date (after approximately two weeks) may yield a positive antibody result. Obviously, it is crucial to continue appropriate social distancing precautions.

IgM antibodies

If IgM antibodies are positive and IgG antibodies are negative, it may be an early stage of the infection where only the initial IgM antibodies have been produced but the IgG antibodies have not yet been produced. Testing may be repeated to confirm production of IgG antibodies. If IgM and IgG antibodies are both positive, please see above section for positive IgG antibodies.

If IgM and IgG antibodies are negative then most likely you have not been infected with the virus It is crucial to continue appropriate social precautions as you are potentially susceptible to getting infected.

Please call CHEMED if you have further questions about your results

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